Ralf Puetz

Chief Strategy Officer | Hexatronic GmbH |

Ralf Pütz (55) has been in the IT industry for 32 years and has been working in FttH expansion for 25 years. In 1999, he was responsible as a network engineer for the creation of the first FttH network in Germany as the driving force for the introduction of the IP and Ethernet based system. He was then responsible for many designs and implementations of FttX networks worldwide until he founded his own provider in 2006 and implemented the first FttH network in rural areas in Germany. The company was taken over in 2012 by what is now the largest fiber optic expander in Germany and Ralf Pütz accompanied this path in management until 2017. In 2018, Mr. Pütz started his career at Hexatronic as a “one man show” in DACH and is now working there as Chief Strategy Officer in CEU.

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