Laura Fernández Cavas

Head of Sustainable Finance | Telefónica |

Laura Fernández Cavas is Head of Sustainable Finance at Telefónica at a corporate level, Member of the Consultative Working Group of ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) and Chair of the Workstream in Sustainable Finance in ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association. Her current work focuses on the sustainable finance strategy and the implementation of the European taxonomy in sustainable finance at a global level. Including control of impacts and allocation of sustainable financial instruments and the development of eligible and aligned financial KPIs, technical screening criteria, do not significant and social minimum safeguards. Her participation in ETNO is leading common goals of the ICT sector. Prior to that, Laura was Co-founder and head of sustainability of a consultancy business. She has developed sustainability projects, mainly focused in climate change, during more than 13 years along different sectors and company sizes. Laura holds a Degree in Environmental Sciences (Murcia, Spain), a Master in Renewables Energies and trainings related with sustainable finance.

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