Marc Bos

Manager Integral Network Development | KPN |

Marc Bos began his career at KPN in 2012 after completing his studies at the University of Twente. With a strong interest and background in technology, business administration, and innovation, he worked on various projects related to the construction and management of telecom networks. Since 2016, Marc has led teams responsible for the development and design of KPN's passive infrastructure, including the large-scale rollout of Fiber to the Home (FttH) in the Netherlands. His background and interest in mathematical modeling, advanced analytics, and a curiosity for innovations that contribute to optimization have played a continuous role in improving network developments and designs. One notable example is the development and implementation of "surface types" with Cyclomedia. Marc currently holds the position of manager at KPN, where he oversees integral network development. His goal is to develop the best network in an optimal way, utilizing new and existing assets, and achieving synergy from various network developments. Thereby developing and using innovative tools to continuously improve the network and the way it is developed.

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