Kholoud Aldorgham participates in:
Kholoud graduated with degree in Finance and worked intensively in the Investment and Securities industries in Jordan and Saudi before taking over as Director General of the Fiber Connect Council MENA (Previously known as Fiber to The Home Council MENA) in early 2020. Since leading the Council Kholoud took on multiple initiatives including the rebooting of the Council to align with the growth and conversion in Fiber Infrastructure project across the MENA Region, and have been working with the Council members who represents the leading Operators and Vendors in the industry to position the Council as Thought leader in MENA region and a knowledge house as seen by the release of the 5G and FTTH MENA panorama and the knowledge-based webinar series that invited the world leaders in the fiber industry to share their knowledge and experience with Telecom Operators across the region. Kholoud was elected as a Judge of the Telecoms World Award – Middle East Series and is currently a member of the FCGA (Fiber Council Global Alliance) that coordinate key initiatives across the world.
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